Friday, February 13, 2015






I still cannot believe we live in a world where people think Cassandra and Sebastian Vael, and now fucking Krem, are not white. Like, when is DA fandom going to grow up.

you know you could argue Cassandra and Sebastian, people…

That’s definitely not the response I was expecting, but we can probably discuss bioware’s racist narrative choices without whitewashing everyone in the cast. To call Cassandra and Krem white is to strip them out of the hands of people who are not white but who identify with them. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a HUGE problem that our only black character with any kind of story is Ser Barris. And most of the inner circle and your advisors are all white. Those are still shitty things. But the answer is probably not to call everyone who’s a shade lighter than Zevran white.

It isn’t…whitewashing to call characters created to be white, white. Even if brown people identify with white chars it doesn’t…make them not white. Do I wish Cassandra and Krem weren’t white? Of course I do. But they don’t look anything like me. You can tell Bioware intended them to be white, that they are treated as white by the narrative, and I still maintain that just insisting “they could be white-passing” or something is bullshit, because it lets Bioware slide and gives them a degree of awareness I guarantee never crossed their minds. Bioware won’t even confirm Fenris is brown, but I’m supposed to believe they had the nuance to create a white-passing character? Nah. Those characters are white and are given the stories they are given because they’re white and to insist on anything else is avoiding the problem.

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