Saturday, October 18, 2014




my position on psychiatric drugs is that they should be prescribed on the basis of informed consent.

informed consent means not having a nurse hold down an 18 year old kid while they’re given an injection.

informed consent means not withholding necessary medical treatment until a patient is compliant.

informed consent means telling patients that anti-psychotics have been linked to shrinking the size of the brain before they’re prescribed.

informed consent means telling patients that risperidone can cause lactation before it’s prescribed

informed consent means telling patients olanzapine can cause weight gain before it’s prescribed

informed consent means you are completely honest about the pros and cons of a particular drug before you prescribe it. it means you list all the side efffects and their likelihood of happening. it means you are honest about the potential for therapy as an alternative. it means you don’t pressure, guilt or emotionally manipulate your patients into taking drugs

informed consent means you let patients decide for themselves

and that if a patient decides they want to go off drugs you help they titrate down

also if you are the doctor you have a RESPONSIBILITY to keep parents from manipulating/coercing their children into medication if they don’t want it. If the minor is your patient, you need to advocate for THEIR informed consent not the parent’s. If a parent is threatening a child—with inpatient, with yelling/violence, with guilt, with “normal” punishments like taking away privileges—that is not informed consent. If you go along with that you are still guilty.

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