Tuesday, December 23, 2014





Sigh, so you know how Gaza is still besieged and Israel has so far only let around 1% of rebuilding materials through?

Well fear not, because the materials needed to construct a Coca Cola manufacturing plant in Gaza got through!

Now hundreds of thousands will still be homeless for the cold winter, but at least they’ll be able to enjoy the fresh taste of capitalist exploitation :)

Fuck Coco Cola!

Perhaps it is because Hamas is refusing to use material to build houses, and is instead openly intending to use it  to build attack tunnels.

And maybe the siege is going on because Hamas repeatedly fires Rocket Propelled Grenades from Gaza threatening innocent lives on the other side.

Tell me more about how evil the Isreali-Capitalists are.

Why do people who obviously not know what the fuck is going on feel the need to add pointless commentary on themes that have already been debunked a million times?

First of all, it’s quite obvious that you don’t know how the mechanism of the rebuilding process is carried out, because it’s not Hamas who is responsible for it, that was a major condition upon donation. It will be carried out through the UN and other approved organizations exclusively. Hamas won’t get a cent of it.

Literally the only source saying that UN cement is going to Hamas is based on Israeli media reports, which are notorious for being mouth pieces for the government. Anyone who is an observer of the area for longer than 5 minutes can confirm this simply by looking at the 2006 Lebanon war, where Israelis tuned into a Hezbollah run news station because they were reporting more truthfully than the Israeli media, and its constant attempts at propaganda.

Secondly, even if it was, do you have any idea that the only reason half of the strip haven’t died of hunger already is because of the bloody tunnels you lot love to obsess about?

Does not a single one of you ask yourselves, WHY Hamas needs to build such an extensive tunnel network in the first place? Or is it just to attack Israel cos Hamas were born evil and poor Israel is under attack because freedom. You always look at events disconnected from their context and narrative, and forget to mention that Hamas was only created as a result of Israeli occupation.

Hamas literally arrested people firing rockets into Israel the other day, it does not want the ceasefire to end. It is not in its interest to escalate. Again, this is quite clear to anyone who knows anything about this.

And maybe, you should pick up a non Zionist history book because Gaza has been under siege and occupation decades before Hamas even existed. Woops. It’s almost as if Hamas has become a scarecrow to scare gullible uninformed people like you, and is not actually the source of the conflict! Wow! Since day one after the ceasefire Israel has been violating it, through incursions and bombings.

I can’t tell you more about how evil the Israelis are because anyone with a search engine can come up with 60 or so UN resolutions that Israel is breaching, about how it’s a de facto ethnocracy with de facto segregation in society, for gods sake even their schools are segregated. A country responsible for creating millions of refugees. This is a country you want to defend?

Then again, a lot of people thought they knew what they were talking about and thought themselves right about defending apartheid South Africa, and we all know how that ended.

Edit: Oh never mind, I just checked your blog. Go back to your fandom blogging and your “Why We Need Masculinism” posts. Lmao, I almost feel bad for taking the time to reply.

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