Wednesday, November 12, 2014

what's the anarchist solution to drug-trafficking, mafias, and organised crime tho?





haha well the abolition of private property ought to do it

If you’re coming at this from the perspective of ‘we need a state to fight drug trafficking, organised crime etc’, I’d put it to you that there is a reason why every state formation ends up inextricably tangled up in organised crime networks - it’s because they both operate according to the same logic, they are both structures organised through hierarchy, coercion, secrecy, tribute, surveillance, the control of specific territory etc etc. States and organised crime networks are a good fit, they understand each other and work according to the same basic principles, which is why they so readily and easily mesh together everywhere they exist.

Anarchism is about organising in the exact opposite way from states and mafias, with the maximum possible decentralisation of power, transparency and popular participation. You can have a different kind of state and still have the mafia, but you can’t have a social revolution and still have the mafia, because the social revolution is about exploding the subordinating coercive relationship between people that states and mafia gangs rely on to function.

see i’d love for this to be true but someone once made a very good argument when i argued this, and it goes as follows: Someones gonna get some guns. Someones gonna want some territory, under their control. Humans have these territorial inclinations. We could have a totally decentralized, popular participatory society, but some motherfucker is going to get a gun and push some people around. Unless each neighborhood/community has an elected, representative security organization. Even if thats a thing, what’s to stop them from starting to run shit? What if, when they come up for re-election (even if its changed every month) they decide to say fuck that and start oppressing?

I’d like to think every single anarchist with a gun is a reason why that person won’t get very far.

but also the problem here is assuming that human behaviors are natural and not naturalized

this alleged innate desire for us to divide and own land and resources has a lot more to do with our acclimation to the current status quo than it does some mythical biological urge to own property- besides, were we not once largely nomadic?

capitalism has influenced a lot more than just our bank accounts- it has had a fundamental impact on our society and how we treat and view each other and ourselves. the destruction of capitalism would also incur a radical restructuring of society, collective values and consciousness, and our own experience with the world. there wouldn’t be anyone hoarding all the resources ‘just cuz’ because it wouldn’t be a desire that’s replicated socially and because there would be no functioning need for it

the question often comes up about what we would do in communism if something related to capital were to happen, and really, the simplest answer is “this wouldn’t happen”. in communism, you’re not going to have stealing or unequal distribution of resources because it’s antithetical to the whole “communism” thing. like, there’s no need to steal if all your basic needs are met and there’s no larger structure in place that encourages excess and violence. 

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