Sunday, November 16, 2014




next time someone tells you fast food/retail workers don’t deserve a union because they’re kids and immigrants, remind them that virtually everyone employed in factories during the gilded age were young children, young women, and immigrants. fast forward to today, and unions have made factory jobs safe careers that pay family-supporting wages.

No they shouldn’t get one because it will only lead to the higher exploitation of third word workers who are used to create those basic commodities used by those “workers”.
This whole glorification of the fast food/retail “worker” movement stems from first worldist fantasies of them being under a great yoke of exploitation and form a bastion of revolution.
This is a lie. This movement is about as revolutionary as the ISO, CPUSA, and IWW. A raise in the minimum wage only goes to further “develop” Amerikan LA’s while increasing the exploitation of the masses of the earth.


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