Tuesday, September 23, 2014

My biggest problem with the Anders vs everyone (and Fenris vs Anders in particular) is that yes, most of the companions in DA2 hold shitty bigoted views, but Anders is the only one of them who seems to relish being an asshole.

Almost all of them will bring up their shitty views if you thrust them into a situation where those values are being directly addressed. Anders is the only one who is constantly prodding and harassing others outside of those situations, mocking completely uninvolved people (Aveline), dredging up sensitive subjects with people he knows hate him, etc etc. 

This is also probably why he’s always felt like the afterthought of the group to me, asides from Sebastian. Sebastian has the obvious handicap of being DLC, which alienates him a bit. Anders just seems out of it because no one actually seems to like him. Isabela tells him to his face maybe he’s the problem she has with mages. Fenris’s stance on Anders is pretty clear. Merrill is nice to him (Merrill is nice to everyone) but they’re hardly friends. Aveline and Anders have never given the impression of being close.

We don’t get a sense of the interconnected near-decade spanning friendship the other companions share from Anders; the closest we get is his relationship with Varric, but even that falls flat for me because we get no reason for Varric to favor him other than a throwaway line about Anders swapping stories from his time in the Wardens with him.

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