Saturday, August 30, 2014




The True Trayvon Martin

  • He didn’t eat pork bc his father didn’t. Once his uncle fixed pork chops; they smelled so good,he called them “beef chops” & ate 1.

  • He was passionate about aviation.

  • When he volunteered at a soup kitchen for. The first time, he was astounded by the US hunger crisis.

  • He loved his little cousins birthday parties. Even as a teen, he wasn’t too cool for Chuck E. Cheese.

  • He was modest about saving his father from dying in a house fire. His father called him his best friend bc of it.

  • Hoodies made *him* feel safe. Like so many teens (and adults), he wore them as a protective shell, a security garment.

  • He called his dad, “My ol’ boy.” Lord, how he loved his dad.

  • When folks wanted to tease him, they said, “Boy, you too skinny to take a breath.” And he’d just smile.

  • If he wanted to hang out with his cousins and they had chores, he helped so they could finish faster.

  • His uncle said they never had to ask him to do something twice.

  • At 17, he was still into BMX bikes. He could cat-walk wheelie.

  • The tattoo on his wrist read, “Sybrina.”

  • The tattoo on his chest read, “Cora” — his grandmother’s name.

  • I’m going to stop here. But just claim one of these memories I tweeted. Carry part of this boy with you, write him on your heart.

  • Write the beautiful details of all the black children you meet on your heart. That’s where they’ll be safest.

  • I feel like this stuff is important.

All facts about Trayvon are from this Esquire article.

I will never forget Trayvon. Never.

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